Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I have Easter weekend church-and-family overload. Here's the highlight reel of my last six days:

Wednesday - Drove 200 miles to fetch 80-year-old mother who doesn't drive to the Big Bad Cities so she could spend Easter with us. It was a lovely day for a drive (at least the first half). She talked nonstop for 200 miles. She brought soup for us, which we ate for dinner on Wednesday. Senior citizens like salt and think red wine is "tart." The end.

Thursday - Spent two hours in church and went to the grocery store again. I bought lots of white food and talked religion with mom. She likes to talk about religion and especially priests she doesn't like. I don't.

Friday - Watched it snow. Cleaned house. Shoveled snow for an hour. Spent two hours in church. Went to the grocery store for stuff Mom needed. Like vanilla wafers and other colorless food.

Saturday - Took Mom to the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory to see the spring flower show, which was nice. Cooked half of Easter dinner. Spent three hours in church. Went to the grocery store again because GodknowsitsnotgoingtobeopenonEaster and the world will end.

Sunday - Made the rest of Easter dinner and had the kids and grandkids for a few nice hours full of very salty food. Seems like all those "traditional" dishes are seasoned with mostly sodium. I was up every hour all night long, chugging water.

Monday - My husband, God love him, took Mom back home and was willing to attack the list of stuff that needed fixing at her house. Remind me when I'm 75 that I will need a small apartment when I'm 80, or a staff to care for me and my house and my stuff. I went to the gym for two hours to recharge my salt-swollen body, ran some errands in the sunlight, played Legos with the grandboys for a few hours, listened to music that contained no references to crucifixion nor resurrection, drank a couple of glasses of chardonnay and (my bad) took a coupla sleeping pills and went to bed, alone, at 9 p.m. Ahhhhhh. Happy Easterisover. Alleluia, alleluia.

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